Our Quality Management System is certified to DIN EN ISO 9001:2015.
The processes within our company are clearly documented in a quality management manual. The effectiveness of our quality assurance system has been repeatedly verified (last on 30.06.2021 by the SGS-TÜV Saar) under the certificate register number DE12/81839597.
Regular internal audits ensure a controlled level and continuous improvement process. They also ensure qualification of our employees in line with demand. We consider this to be the best precondition for improving customer satisfaction and strengthening the success of our company.
As a traditional company, values are important to us. Derived from this is a superior, consistent quality concept for our entire company. It is important to us that our customers can rely fully on our services.
One can write whatever one likes on paper, and the term quality is used in an inflationary way in the market, but for us, actions speak louder than words. This is why we develop and manufacture drives and gearboxes of uncompromising quality, and this is clearly demonstrated by the reliability of our products in daily use under the harshest conditions worldwide. In order to comply with international quality standards, we have implemented a certified Quality Management System to ensure the highest standard of quality in all processes and procedures within our company.
Within our company, quality is created by people – day after day. We understand this concept not as lip service, but as a permanent challenge to our actions and activities in all areas and departments within our company.
Our general understanding of quality is that it is the sum of all individual steps in the value-added process which results in an exceptional, high-quality product. We believe that in this way, we can achieve a high level of customer satisfaction and loyalty over the long-term. It is through permanent improvement and optimisation that we time and again redefine our quality objectives as part of our implemented Quality Management System. This makes quality at Stiebel a concept that is indeed full of life – and this since 1946.
For the management, executives and all employees, this is an obligation. The quality of our products and activities is an important precondition for the success and future of our company. This is an obligation of all employees.
STIEBEL QUALITY is the result of all measures in all areas that culminate in customer satisfaction.
© 2025 Stiebel-Getriebebau GmbH & Co. KG